A National Jewish Book Award WinnerRabbi Dorff focuses on the social aspects of the Jewish tradition, while tackling such timely topics as poverty, war, intrafaith and interfaith relations, and forgiveness. In addition, he discusses Jewish social ethics as they both relate to and contrast with Christian and American belief systems in modern society. Dorff argues that Jewish sources, when properly placed within the framework of the realities of our own times, can provide important guidance for Jews on how to act in their daily lives.

To Do the Right and the Good

A National Jewish Book Award WinnerRabbi Dorff focuses on the social aspects of the Jewish tradition, while tackling such timely topics as poverty, war, intrafaith and interfaith relations, and forgiveness. In addition, he discusses Jewish social ethics as they both relate to and contrast with Christian and American belief systems in modern society. Dorff argues that Jewish sources, when properly placed within the framework of the realities of our own times, can provide important guidance for Jews on how to act in their daily lives.

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