Book Summary of Classical Moralists: Selections Illustrating EthicsThis book is a history of ethics based upon selections from the original sources and upon translations of the authors themselves. The evolution of ethical thought is thereby revealed from Socrates to Martineau. Contents: Socrates; Plato; Aristotle; Zeno; Epicurus; Titus Lucretius Carus; Epictetus; Marcus Aurelius Antoninus; Plotinus; Saint Augustine; Peter Abelard; Thomas Abelard; Thomas Aquinas; Hugo Grotius; Thomas Hobbes; Ralph Cudworth; Henry More; Richard Cumberland; Baruch De Spinoza; Nicolas Malebranche; John Locke; Samuel Clarke; Third Earl of Shaftesbury; Benard De Mandeville; William Wollaston; Joseph Butler; Francis Hutcheson; David Hartley; David Hume; Adam Smith; Claude Adrien Helvetius; William Paley; Jeremy Bentham; Richard Price; Thomas Reid; Immanuel Kant; Johann Gottlieb; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Arthur Schopnehauer; Friedrich Eduard Beneke; John Stuart Mill; Herbert Spencer; Henry Sidgwick..

Classical Moralists Selections Illustrating Ethics

Book Summary of Classical Moralists: Selections Illustrating EthicsThis book is a history of ethics based upon selections from the original sources and upon translations of the authors themselves. The evolution of ethical thought is thereby revealed from Socrates to Martineau. Contents: Socrates; Plato; Aristotle; Zeno; Epicurus; Titus Lucretius Carus; Epictetus; Marcus Aurelius Antoninus; Plotinus; Saint Augustine; Peter Abelard; Thomas Abelard; Thomas Aquinas; Hugo Grotius; Thomas Hobbes; Ralph Cudworth; Henry More; Richard Cumberland; Baruch De Spinoza; Nicolas Malebranche; John Locke; Samuel Clarke; Third Earl of Shaftesbury; Benard De Mandeville; William Wollaston; Joseph Butler; Francis Hutcheson; David Hartley; David Hume; Adam Smith; Claude Adrien Helvetius; William Paley; Jeremy Bentham; Richard Price; Thomas Reid; Immanuel Kant; Johann Gottlieb; Georg Wilhelm Friedrich; Arthur Schopnehauer; Friedrich Eduard Beneke; John Stuart Mill; Herbert Spencer; Henry Sidgwick..

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